Boost your programming skills with the best Android Training

Android is software for mobile phones, tablets and a growing range of devices encompassing everything from wearable computing to in-car entertainment. It launched in 2003 and is the world’s most popular mobile operating system (OS).Android is an open source project (led by Google but it doesn't belong to them) called AOSP (Android Open Source Project). Google uses this project as a base to create its version of Android, which is then used by the other manufacturers.
As an OS, Android's job is to act as a translator between you and your gadget. When you take a photo, Android provides the button you tap and tells the phone what to do when you tap it. When you make or receive a call, Android tells your phone how to do that. When you play a game, Android tells the game what movements you’re making and what buttons you’re pressing. It’s like Windows, but for mobile devices.The Android software itself is developed in conjunction with Google, who releases major updates to the platform every year. Manufacturers which run Android on their phones include Samsung, Huawei, Sony, Lenovo, HTC, LG and many others; it's currently operational on more than one billion devices.
Android Training Package
C Language
- History and Tokens of C
- Control Statements
- Functions
- Control Flow
- Pointers
- Arrays and its Types
- Dynamic Memory Allocation
- Structure and Union
- File Handling
- Command Line Arguments
C++ Language
- Object Oriented Programming
- Difference of C and CPP
- Classes and Objects
- Constructor and its Types
- OOPS Concept
- Friend, Inline and Static Functions
- Generic Functions (Template)
- Exception Handling
- File I/O
- Type Casting and RTTI
Core Java
- Java History,Features and Versions
- Java Applications
- Classes and Objects
- OOPS Concept
- Java Arrays
- Writing simple program in java
- Java Packages
- Java Lang Package
- Java 8 and Java 9 Features
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Inner Classes
- Exception Handling
- Multithreading
- Collection and Generics
- File I/O
- Socket Programming
- Applet
- AWT and Event Handling
- GUI Designing-Swing
- Mobile application development platform
- Android Development History
- Android Installation with Studio
- Android SDK and generation of APK file
- Android features,versions and Market Scenario.
- Android Architecture
- Android Basic Building Blocks
- Activities and Basic UI Designing
- Material Design UI
- Adapters in android
- Working With Fragments
- Notifications and its Types
- Intent (Explicit and Intent),Intent Filters
- Services and Broadcast Receiver
- Multithreading in android
- Camera,Blutooth,Sensors and Wifi Implementation in android
- Telephony Services
- Location Based Services with Google Maps
- Web Services and Web View
- SQLITE Database
- Shared Preferences
- Firebase
- File I/O
- Content Provider in android
- App Deployment steps on playstore
- Why we Need Mobile Apps
- Different Kinds of Mobile Apps
- Briefly about Android
- History Behind Android Development
- What is Android?
- Pre-requisites to learn Android
- Brief Discussion on Java Programming
- Overview of Android Stack
- Android Features
- Introduction to OS layers
- Linux Kernel
- Libraries
- Android Runtime
- Application Framework
- Dalvik VM
- Configuring Android Stack
- Setting up Android Studio
- Working with Android Studio
- Using Older Android Tools
- Creating Android Project
- Debugging Application through DDMS
- setting up environment
- AVD Creation
- Executing Project on Android Screen
- Activities
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Content Providers
- Creating your first project
- The manifest file
- Layout resource
- Running your app on Emulator
- Activities
- Views, layouts and Common UI components
- Creating UI through code and XML
- Activity lifecycle
- ntents
- Communicating data among Activities
- Selection components (GridView, ListView, Spinner )
- Adapters, Custom Adapters
- Complex UI components
- Building UI for performance
- Menus
- Creating custom and compound Views
- Toast, Custom Toast
- Dialogs
- Status bar Notifications
- Using Java Mutithreading classes
- AsyncTask
- Handler
- Post
- Writing an animated game
- Creating and Applying simple Style
- Inheriting built-in Style and User defined style
- Using Styles as themes
- Android Resource
- Using resources in XML and code
- Localization
- Handling Runtime configuration changes
- Role of filters
- Intent-matching rules
- Filters in your manifest
- Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
- Creating Broadcast receiver
- Receiving System Broadcast
- Understanding Broadcast action, category and data
- Registering Broadcast receiver through code and through XML
- Sending Broadcast
- Shared Preferences
- Android File System
- Internal storage
- External storage
- IntroducingSQLite
- SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database
- Opening and closing adatabase
- Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes
- Network
- Accessing built in content providers
- Content provider MIME types
- Searching for content
- Adding, changing, and removing content
- Creating content provider
- Working with content files
- Overview of services in Android
- Implementing a Service
- Service lifecycle
- Inter Process Communication (AIDL Services)
- Multimedia Supported audio formats
- Simple media playback
- Supported video formats
- Simple video playback
- Using Location Based Services
- Finding current location and listening for changes in location
- Proximity alerts
- Working with Google Maps
- Showing google map in an Activity
- Map Overlays
- Itemized overlays
- Geocoder
- Displaying route on map
- Consuming web services
- Receiving HTTP Response (XML, JSON )
- Parsing JSON and XML
- Using WebView
- How Sensors work
- Using Orientation and Accelerometer sensors
- Best practices for performance
- Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
- Managing active connections
- Managing WiFi networks
- Making calls
- Monitoring data connectivity and activity
- Accessing phone properties and status
- Controlling the phone
- Sending messages
- Taking pictures
- Media Recorder
- Rendering previews
- Controlling local Bluetooth device
- Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
- Managing Bluetooth connections
- Communicating with Bluetooth
- Fragments
- Material Design
- Gradle
- NEW TOPICS: Since each new version of Android has new features, we keep extra time for adding custom topics in every batch. You can request any Android Topic.
- Android Application Deployment on device with Linux and Windows
- Android Application Deployment on Android Market